The Vespers Wiki

If you are looking for the user, click: User:Jai Pathak

Biographical information
Year 2001
Status Alive
Physical description
Ethnicity Indian American (born in America)
Eye Color White
Gender Male
Description Vesper, Student, co-founder/leader of organization with Wykwyz, Sihal, Nero, and Lon'qu
Other information
Functions Vesper Two, leader of Operation Deluxe
Allies Nero

Sihal Lon'qu Wykwyz Most Vespers


Jai is Vesper Two, a former Tomas, leader/co-founder of Operation Deluxe with Wykwyz (his eldest brother), Nero (his older brother), and Sihal (his unidentetical twin brother), and Lon'qu (cousin). Jai is one of the most powerful Super-Humans in the universe. The only seven people that can beat him in a fight is Führer Nilem12, PrimroseFaora-Ul, Commander Orion Albus II, Lon'qu, Wykwyz, Nero. When he was seven, he was best friends with Darkmoon25, also a Tomas, but Founders Media supposedly killed Darkmoon25 until in November 2013, has been found to be still alive . His former mentor is Mr.reporter who is Cahill Five. Jai likes to prank people just like Renzo and Darkmoon25.

Past (June-Oct 2013)

In June 2013, Jai was captured by an unknown individual. The unknown individual was asking info from him but Jai stayed loyal and hadn't told any information except for the fact that he is a Vesper. Miraculously, had could contact Wykwyz while still a prisoner. After this, however even though he remained loyal to the Vespers, he got really angry that the Vespers still went out to kill him although he stayed loyal. After this, he finds out that the man who captured him is a Cahill. Because the Vespers didn't apologize he sent "everything he knew" about the Vespers to the Cahills. However, in a recent text from his associate, Karrablast2160 to Commander Orion Albus II, Karrablast2160 hid a message in his text saying that Jai lied to the Cahill, and is still loyal. The current info on his birth are that he was born in 2001. It turns out the message to the Cahill was not only a lie but it completely confused the Cahill, which was all part of Jai's plan. Jai wanted to remain loyal to the Vespers so he and Wykwyz ambushed the Cahill base after the Cahills were confused. The Cahills recovered from this in a few months and Jai and Wykwyz are still waiting for an oppurtunity to strike again. It is still unknown why Jai and Wykwyz wanted to help the Vespers. On July 13th, 2013, in back up to Karrablast2160's text, Jai revealed that he was helping the Vespers all along in front of Vesper Two himself, so Jai was given Vesper Six. According to scientists, he is the seventh-most powerful Super-Human in the universe.


Jai was forgiven by Nilem12, and became Vesper Six once more. He was well trusted by Commander Orion Albus II. His Operation Deluxe getting under way. On November 23rd, 2013, as a reward for the finest work of the month, he was given Vesper Three. He is currently Vesper Two.


All of these powers/abilities are the ones revealed:

  • Can shoot super energy blasts with possibility of comparing to 10 times the strength of a hydrogen bomb
  • Can teleport pretty much anywhere
  • Is very smart, but doesn't show it
  • Has lots of energy
  • Invisibility
  • Pretty fast

Personal Information

Height: 5'2

Weight: 95 lbs.

Age: 12


  • Cats
  • Bunnies
  • Video Games
  • Books
  • Training
  • Playing jokes/pranks
  • Resting
  • His brothers and cousin


Favorite Foods:

  • Indian food
  • Mac and Cheese

People who he wants to fight: 





Boss Battle Big Arms (Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Final Boss) (from Sonic Generations)
